Les 7 grands prix du patrimoine par Europa Nostra (en anglais)

Les vainqueurs du Grand Prix du patrimoine de l’Union Européenne ont été fêtés le 15 mai dernier à Turku (Finlande). Ils étaient 29 sélectionnés et seuls 7 ot été retenus pour la récompense. Placido Domingo, Président d’Europa Nostra était de la fête.

Europa Nostra est membre de l’AJP et représente une grande organisation de défense et de valorisation du patrimoine européen depuis 40 ans.
N’oublions pas que 2018 est l’année du patrimoine culturel européen ! Elle sera officiellement lancée en novembre 2017.

Turku, 15 May 2017 – The winners of the 2017 EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards, Europe’s top honour in the field, were celebrated this evening during a high-profile event at St. Michael’s Church in Turku, Finland. Maestro Plácido Domingo, President of Europa Nostra, the leading heritage organisation in Europe, and Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture,


The 7 Grand Prix laureates, selected by an independent jury of experts and entitled to receive €10,000 each, are:


The Public Choice Award, which is in its sixth edition, goes to Mr. Zoltán Kallós, who has devotedly compiled collections of music, dance, storytelling and crafts of the Hungarian, Romanian, Saxon and Roma communities of Transylvania in Romania for over 70 years. It is the first time that an accomplishment in the category Dedicated Service to Heritage obtains the highest number of votes. 11,500 people voted for their favourite heritage achievements in Europe via an online poll conducted by Europa Nostra.


Category Conservation

Baroque Complex and Gardens in Kuks, Hradec Králové Region, CZECH REPUBLIC
The Kuks complex – consisting of a residence, a spa, a hospital, a church, a cemetery, a pharmacy as well as sprawling gardens – was in such an unfortunate state that most buildings were unsuitable for use. The Awards’ jury states that the multi-disciplinary Kuks – Pomegranate project is an exemplary approach to an integrated building and landscape conservation which is of the highest quality.

The King’s Road across Filefjell, NORWAY
The restoration of the historic King’s Road, which winds through the breath-taking landscape of the mountainous Filefjell, was undertaken with the help of Sherpas from Nepal and experts from Germany. The Awards’ jury highlights that this integrated project of cultural and landscape heritage conservation is of top quality and was undertaken with a real focus on best practice in building.

Cultural Palace in Blaj, Transylvania, ROMANIA
Built in 1930, the Cultural Palace was the only centre for cultural activities, such as concerts, plays, film projections and exhibitions, in the small city of Blaj. Following a fire in 1995, the building was seriously damaged and remained a ruin until 2012. The Awards’ jury appreciates how the restoration successfully evoked the lost architecture of this ruined historic building with minimal interventions.

Roof for the Ruins of the Monastery of San Juan, Burgos, SPAIN
Thanks to a well-designed roof – made possible with European funds – the surviving elements of this 11th century monastery are now well preserved and a new protected space to celebrate cultural activities has been created. The Awards’ jury noted that the solution is non-invasive, totally reversible and completely discernible from the old fabric.

Category Research

Bosch Research and Conservation Project, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, THE NETHERLANDS
Following seven years of dedicated research, a wealth of new information about the world-famous artist Hieronymous Bosch was discovered and shared in exhibitions, books and an innovative website. The Awards’ jury states that this project not only represents innovations in research, conservation and technology but is also an excellent example of the link between research and the conservation of art.

Category Dedicated Service

Mr. Ferdinand Meder, Zagreb, CROATIA
Mr. Ferdinand Meder has dedicated his entire career, from 1970 until today, to the protection of Croatian cultural heritage. He has acted as the first response to numerous threats to Croatia’s heritage from earthquakes to military conflict. The Awards’ jury highlights that Mr. Meder has gone beyond the call of duty and, even in periods of conflict, has exercised his unflinching dedication to the defence of heritage.

Category Education, Training and Awareness-Raising
Centre of Visual Arts and Research, Nicosia, CYPRUS
For over 25 years, Costas and Rita Severis have created a rich collection of visual representations of Cyprus from the 18th to the 20th century. The Centre of Visual Arts and Research promotes Cypriot cultural heritage within a framework of peaceful coexistence and encourages a better understanding of the country’s shared heritage. The project has had tangible results in bi-communal Nicosia and beyond.


L’exemple du toit du monastère de San Juan à Burgos :

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