La Tapisserie Aubusson: la transmission des savoir-faire

A l’occasion de l’ouverture de la Cité Internationale de la Tapisserie Aubusson Gary Lee Kraut est parti à la rencontre des femmes et des hommes font vivre l’industrie de la tapisserie Aubusson dans la Creuse tout en transmettant des savoir-faire historiques.

The Cité Internationale de la Tapisseries Aubusson represents far more than a pat on the back to the history of tapestry-making in the Creuse region. It also reaffirms and encourages the continuity of know-how for the entire branch of tapestry-related activities, from the raising of sheep and the spinning and dying of wool to the creation of images and their weaving into an extraordinary array of contemporary tapestries in Aubusson, Felletin and elsewhere in Creuse.

Lire la suite sur France Revisited.

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